Monday 1 May 2017

May Releasing Goddess


May Releasing Goddess

The Releasing Goddess steps forward in May to help you realign with your true nature to reawaken the Lightworker within you.   

Do you carry a sense that you are here for a much bigger purpose? How are your gifts going to bring light and love to yourself and the people around you? Are you ready to walk on the enlightened pathway and walk the talk? 

Anyone can read a book and be educated. Anyone can take a course and say they have a vast array of knowledge to share and incite people.  But for those truly wanting to take the path of the Lightworker you must also live, walk and breathe that knowledge.  Integrate that experience and wisdom into your life,  to become a living example of an enlightened being.   Are you ready to let life’s experiences make you grow rather than dimming your light?

Life becomes a harsh training ground for a Lightworker so that they can be of the highest service to mankind. Many Lightworker’s have lived a lot of life in a short period of time. Their lives are beautifully decorated with loss, sadness, illness, depression, anxiety and fear so that they can live and teach how to navigate through the uncertainty of life and be living proof of walking the talk. – Sarah Prout

If you are looking for a sign then THIS IS IT !

The May Releasing Goddess is asking you to release society’s expectations, the defining roles that for lifetimes we have just accepted. We no longer have to fit into the ‘good girl/boy’ rolls to fit into this new world.  Stop conforming to the expectations of others. Why should we be seeking approval when we play our roles well, and receive disapproval when we play our roles badly.  If you are to live an authentic life according to your own truth then be prepared to be different so your light can shine.   

My definition of a Lightworker is: someone who wholeheartedly makes the decision to make the world a brighter place by them being in it. The more conscious we get, the higher our vibration and the more aligned to Source we become. The more conscious we are, the more we see how everything is connected and how we fit into a larger whole. – Rebecca Campbell


Michelle’s Toolkit for May – 

Recommended Reading         Light is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell

-       Earth Angels by Doreen Virtue

Website reading reference Material -

Meditation  – by Rev Margaret Moore

Fairytale drama to heal the Inner Child                          

Stories from our childhood evoke subtle responses in our emotional pattern.  We are born with our lessons to learn and heal to evolve.  When drama appears in our life we have a conscious reaction but also a subconscious response.

Stories told around the fire was man’s earliest teaching tool of morals, right and wrong actions of consequences, and to teach of the positive and negative forces that surround the soul on his journey.  Next came the written word of these mythological, archetypal characters and leading to today the movie visual representation of the stories of the collective consciousness fight against good and evil.

From childhood we are taught the right choices to be made for our ‘happy ever after’ ending.  On the other hand we are also taught the negative outcome of illusion and pretence that create the tangled web of deception.

If you have not reached your happy outcome then this indicates that you are still trapped in illusion and need to continue to investigate and realign your actions with perceived truth until such time as you have achieved your goal and have evolved beyond the karma drama returning to wholeness and your light of truth.

Hold the drama pattern in your mind with the intent of the Higher Self indicating the moralistic fairy tale that is applicable to this drama.

Take yourself into your mystical magical forest and follow the path that will lead you to a clearing.  Here you will discover a fallen tree trunk that you sit upon and absorb mother nature’s healing power.  Soon characters from a story, television show, or movie will enter the clearing and begin to act out a particular scene or part of the story line.

One of the characters storms off refusing to play his or her part.  Coming to sit beside you the character explains what the angst is.  It is this attitude that is stopping the story line from reaching its ending. The drama in your life is caused by this emotional archetypal angst.

What action can be taken that will allow the character to return to the part they are needing to play out?  How can it be made more palatable? Thus begins the conscious healing journey.  We all have to play our parts to gain greater understanding but as we become self aware we can make our actions more acceptable or comfortable to live with.  Sometimes we have to go through a particular emotional learning but the choice is yours to do it the hard way or to find ease in this lesson.

The journey is one of mystic and magic and is yours to take as the journeyman.  May you discover many of your aspects of the ‘ínner child’ along the way to love and nurture back to alignment with your source of being.


AND finally please sign up to my blog or my newsletter so you don’t miss anything!  

All Goddess images have been uploaded on my Redbubble account and will be available for purchase as prints and merchandise anytime during the year.  

 Come visit me at my website




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